conservation buyers program
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conservation buyers program
conservation buyers program
Working with landowners to creatively protect the most land for the benefit of the most people.
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It can be hard to say “no” to someone’s heartfelt request that we help protect their family land, but sometimes the truth is that we simply lack the resources to care for a property–it’s a problem that we refer to as being “Land Rich, Cash Poor” in our office. With so many projects coming our way, we’ve set a strategic direction and have conservation priorities that encompass community need, ecosystem quality, protecting water resources, and whether the property protects any rare, threatened, or endangered species or habitats (among other things). Often times, we have to say no in particular to small parcels that have buildings on them because, well, cabins can take a lot of extra resources we may not have.
The program
The concept of the program is simple: a donor gifts a parcel of land with both conservation and real estate value to the UPLC with the intent for it to be put into this program, and we sell that property to a conservation-minded buyer with a conservation easement on it.
The buyer enjoys and cares for the property, the buyer is legally bound to protect the conservation values of the land forever, and we check up to ensure that they’re protecting it; we can then use that income to purchase, steward, and restore other lands across the UP that better fit our strategic direction and the community’s needs. Sometimes, the land that we are selling will have a Conservation Easement already on it, or buyers can donate a Conservation Easement on the property at the time of purchase.
We will never place a donated land into the Conservation Buyers Program if it is not the expressed intent of the donor for us to do so.
available land
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