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Give a Gift with Meaning

It is our duty to take actions that we, and future generations, cherish in hindsight.

You can protect land in the UP for life tomorrow

When you act to protect land, you are acting for the sake of both present and future communities touched by the nature preserves and restoration projects we take on. Each action you take flows downstream – and when 21% of the world’s freshwater is impacted by the health of the land in the Upper Peninsula, the whole world is downstream from us! Here in the headwaters, we can watch each tiny decision to preserve, restore, or develop flow into the future, changing history for others as it goes.



nature preserves


acres of climate change mitigation focused forest restoration projects


acres of private land will be protected in a natural state forever


miles of trails & maintenance

When you give to UPLC, you directly support 9 nature preserves, help manage over 1,600 acres of climate change mitigation focused forest restoration projects, maintain nearly 20 miles of trails, and ensure that more than 3,000 acres of private land will be protected in a natural state forever, even while the landowner uses it. UP Land Conservancy now protects more than nine square miles of land in the UP with your help – that’s an area the size of the City of Ishpeming! By joining UPLC at the headwaters, you are sending ‘drops’ of action downstream that honor the past and promise a high quality of life for generations to come.


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