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Black Trumpets, gourmet mushrooms

Adam Berger

There’s gourmet food in the woods. And it’s free. Adding wild-harvested black trumpets to any savory dish makes for a richer culinary experience.

Our local black trumpets are classified as Craterellus fallax. In Europe, black trumpets are called Craterellus cornucopioides. These funnel-shaped fungi drop pink or even lavender spores. Color can vary somewhat, from gray to brown to dark black. They’re usually around oak trees and seem to prefer flat spots where water might pool a little longer.

Black trumpets, often hard to see in forest shadows, have a very distinctive aroma, like roses and chocolate. I sometimes smell them before I see them. Once you collect a bag of black trumpets, study the smell, you can learn to catch the scent in the woods.

Adam Berger, UPLC Board Member

DISCLAIMER: This blog is an informational resource based on traditional and modern use of plants created to inspire others. The information provided on this website is not intended to replace professional or medical advice. Proper identification is the responsibility of the forager. UPLC does not advise the consumption of any wild plants or fungus to the readers of this blog. In addition, UPLC encourages all blog readers to consider the ecological and/or cultural impacts of foraging prior to removing any plant or fungus from its environment. Furthermore, careful attention should be given to all potential dangers related to interacting with wild mushrooms and plants.

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